Read what Nora had to say about arriving in Queenstown, NZ to become a ski instructor with EA Ski and Snowboard.

Arriving in Queenstown to become a ski instructor

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Last updated on
June 9, 2017

"This week I arrived in the adventure capital of the world – Queenstown! I’m feeling ready to embark on my journey to become a qualified ski instructor with EA Ski and Snowboard. The town is buzzing, everyone is excited for the winter season to begin and eagerly awaiting a big dump of snow.

EA Ski and Snowboard have made the transition to Queenstown so easy and welcoming. They picked each intern up from the airport and took us to our accommodation at Aspen Lodge. The hostel is perfectly based in the heart of town and within walking distance to all the bars, restaurants and the local supermarket. The team have kept us busy, organising our bank accounts, sorting our IRD numbers, getting our ski and snowboard equipment and even taking us out for pizza and beers to welcome us all to Queenstown.

I’m so happy I decided to go with EA Ski and Snowboard to get my ski instructor qualification. Their years of experience and the fact that they offered me a guaranteed job offer for the season is what swayed my decision to book with them. Now being in Queenstown and realising how fiercely competitive the job market is here I’m so relieved I didn’t chance coming out by myself without using their guaranteed service.

I am excited to start my level 1 training this weekend at Remarkables and look forward to getting some work experience under my belt whilst improving my skills this season. Let the fun begin!"

Nora - Queenstown Internship 2017

Are you thinking of becoming a ski or snowboard instructor?

Make sure you check out EA Ski and Snowboard. They offer internships at 19 resorts throughout New Zealand, Canada, Switzerland, Japan and the USA. They offer a seamless introduction into the snow sports industry which is otherwise very difficult. You will come away from the season with qualifications, work experience and having made amazing memories. Find out more here.

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