Chase fills us in on what he enjoyed most about working as a Snowboard Instructor at Cypress and some inside tips!

EA Ski & Snowboard Intern wins Cypress Rookie of the year

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Last updated on
May 12, 2017

Well done Chase Ouimette!

Two years in a row EA Ski & Snowboard training have won the Cypress Rookie of the year award. This years winner is Chase Ouimette, a local boy from Toronto Ontario. Chase joined us for the 2017/18 season at Cypress Mountain to become a qualified Snowboard Instructor. Not only did he achieve his qualifications, Chase grew an excellent rapport with the Ski School and in return was recognized for his teaching ability and passion for riding with this awesome award.

Chase fills us in on what he enjoyed most about working as a Snowboard Instructor at Cypress and some inside tips!

What I enjoyed most....

Well where do I start, I have so many great memories. When I first got to Cypress I was so excited to be on the mountain, all I wanted to do is hit the runs. As our training started, I was excited and nervous to get out there and teach. I took everything in like a sponge, so when it came time to teach a lesson with students I just let it happen! My favorite experience had to be teaching the youngest students their first steps on the snow. The energy level is so high and the kids are so smart at such a young age. When your in your lesson or close to the end, you can look back and see how much they have progressed. It's very rewarding!

My inside advice..

If you have an adventurous spirit or are little bit curios about a winter season, do the internship with EA! You're outside everyday with some of the best scenery in the world and people from all corners of the globe are your co-workers and friends!

I had no idea I was in the running for the Cypress Rookie of the year award. I went into this winter season to leave with something gained. I knew my ability to snowboard was my biggest improvement, but I was surprised to see how much I took to teaching a class. My time with students was a learning experience for us both. Helping them improve their confidence in (sometimes) an intimidating environment and making sure everyone including myself is enjoying the snow. (Even in the not so nice weather) My plan when heading to Cypress was to have a good time, which I did!

If your considering an Instructor Internship with EA Ski & Snowboard Training, download our instructor starter guide today to get started.

Kia from Cypress Mountain tells us what ski schools are looking for when hiring instructors and what benefits you get when completing and instructor internship with EA Ski and Snowboard Training.

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