Find out here how the NZSIA Ski Instructor and SBINZ Snowboard Instructor Certification systems stack up against the rest of the world.

NZSIA & SBINZ Certification Equivalency Chart

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NZSIA Equivalency Chart

Find out here how the NZSIA ski instructor and SBINZ Snowboard instructor certification systems stack up against the rest of the world*.

Want to see if you qualify for for a ski or snowboard instructor training course or internship to get certified this winter season? Click Here Now!

All of our instructor qualifications are recognised by the ISIA. This means that they are internationally recognised and can be used to work as an instructor around the world. The system you gain a qualification in will mean that you are trained within the guidelines of that countries system. Each system uses different terminology and jargon and the type of skiing or snowboarding can vary slightly. However, this does not mean that you won't be able to use your specific certification globally, you will in fact be able to take it with you around the world!

Depending on what country you do higher certifications in, you may eventually end up changing your system. This is very common and completely accepted in the industry.

New Zealand
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 3 (ISIA Stamp) Trainers Cert
Austria OSSV Skilehrwart (Anwaerter) 1 Landeskilehreranwater 1   Landesskilehrer 2 Diplomskile Hrer (ISTD)
Australia APSI Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 3 (ISIA Stamp) Level 4
Canada CSIA, CASI, PSIC Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 3 (ISIA Stamp) Level 4
France SNMSF 1st Cycle - Aspirant Moniteur 2nd Cycle - Assistant Moniteur   Diplome e d'etat de ski - Moniteur National du Ski Alpin -  
Germany Skileher 1 Skileher 2 Skileher 3 Skileher 3 (ISIA Stamp) Staatlicher - Skileher
Great Britain BASI Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 3 (ISIA Stamp) ISTD
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 3 (ISIA Stamp) Level 4
      Maestro di Sci Alpino + Maestro di Snowboard  
Ski Instructor Stage 1 Ski Instructor stage 2  Professional Ski Instructor Stage 3 Professional Ski Instructor stage 3 (ISIA Stamp)  
Nederlands Skileraar A Ski instructor B Level International Instructor C International Instructor C (ISIA Stamp)  
Sweeden SLAO SLAO Level 1 SLAO Level 2 SLAO Level 3 SLAO Auktorisedrad Svensk Skidlarare (ISIA Stamp)  
Switzerland Skilehrer Stufe I Skilehrer Stufe II / Ski Instructor Aspirant Skilehrer Stufe III Skilehrer Stufe III Instructor (ISIA Stamp) ISIA Card
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 3 (ISIA Stamp) PSIA Trainers Accred

For any further questions about certifications, please email and we will be in touch!

OR if you want to see if you qualify for for a ski or snowboard instructor training course or internship then click here now!

*Resource supplied by the NZSIA

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