Find out here whether you're good enough to qualify for our Ski or Snowboard Courses in order to become an instructor with EA Ski & Snowboard Training.

Ski & Snowboard Ability Guide

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Ski & Snowboard Ability Guide

We often get asked, 'How good do I need to be to become a ski or snowboard instructor?"

It's always assumed that you must be an expert skier or snowboarder to become an instructor but this is not true.

To become an instructor with EA Ski & Snowboard Training, you do need to be at the expected intermediate to advanced standard so you can successfully train for and pass your ski or snowboard level 1 certification. - But you don't have to be the best rider on the mountain!

See where you stack up and what your next steps are below for your ability level...

Where Do You Stack Up Your Ski or Snowboard Ability Level?

>> Less Than 3 Weeks Experience

- I Have No Experience

Firstly, you need to get a taste for the snow. The feeling of gliding on skis or a snowboard is one of the best feelings in the world and is an altogether unique experience. There are obvious similarities with sports such as skateboarding, rollerblading and surfing. Experience in these sports is awesome and will certainly help you advance at a quicker pace however it is not a substitute for on-snow experience.

Find your local mountain or dry slope/snow dome and take out some lessons.

- I Know How To Stop and Can Make Basic Turns On Green/Beginner Terrain

-- Ski

You can stop in a wedge/snow-plough and make basic wedge/snow-plough turns on green or beginner trails.

-- Snowboard

You can make skidded traverses on both edges and you are starting to link some basic turns on very easy green/beginner trails.

Next Steps...

Continue progressing your riding through lessons at your local mountain, snowdome or dry slope. By taking lessons with a certified instructor you can benchmark exactly what your ability is and how much you have to improve to reach our minimum standard.

The minimum standard we expect is to be able to ski on blue/intermediate trails in full control progressing onto more advanced terrain such as steeps and bumps.


>> 3 - 8 Weeks Experience

- I Can Link Turns Confidently On Green Trails. Starting To Ride Steeper Blue Trails.

-- Ski

You can make linked turns on all green/beginner trails. You are starting to ski some blue/intermediate trails and match your skis to parallel in your turns.

-- Snowboard

You are comfortable in linking skidded turns on easy green/beginner trails. You are able to vary your size turn and shape.

Next Steps...

You are almost at the required level for our courses. To fast track your progression to the next level we recommend taking lessons with a certified instructor who can quickly get you up to speed riding more challenging runs while remaining in control. If you don't want to take lessons, getting out on the snow or dry slope and improving your confidence on steeper terrain will put you in a great position to meet our required standard.

- I Can Comfortably Ride Intermediate/Blue Trails In Full Control.


You ski blue/intermediate trails with confidence and ski parallel very early in and throughout the turn. You may be starting to pole plant.

-- Snowboard

You are able to ride on blue/intermediate trails and are now riding chairlifts. You are in full control and balanced when turning both ways.

Next Steps..

You are the ideal candidate for an internship or instructor training course, apply now to secure your spot on one of our programmes.


>> More Than 8 Weeks Experience

- Can Ride 90% Of The Mountain

At this level, you are likely to be an intermediate to advanced skier or snowboarder. You are working towards improving your technical riding in race training, freestyle, freeride or bumps. The training provided on our courses will build upon your existing skillset and give you the tools and tactics to unlock the next level of your riding.

-- Ski

You make strong parallel turns on all blue/intermediate runs and are taking on advanced trails. You are starting to do short turns, carve your ski's and are venturing off-piste.

You make dynamic carving turns on advanced terrain. You are comfortable off-piste and in bumps. You are refining your skills in all conditions, skiing more dynamically with less effort.

-- Snowboard

You make carved turns, ride all blue/intermediate runs and are taking on advanced trails. you are starting to ride switch, off-piste and able to create shorter radius turns.

You ride confidently in all terrain and conditions. You are refining your precision, speed and carving skills. You are comfortable in terrain parks and riding switch.

Next Steps..


View the full Ability Guide below or Download PDF Version Here

EA Ski & Snowboard Ability Guide 2023
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